Aromhuset Mocktail Recipe Book Review
Aromhuset is a mocktail recipe book that celebrates how sipping cocktails can become an immersive, multi-sensory experience. Aromatic ingredients pair sweet, sour and bitter flavors together for an irresistibly indulgent mix that transforms an everyday drink into something extraordinary. Garnishes such as decorative rosemary or thyme herbs, edible flowers and citrus slices add the perfect finishing touches that transform cocktails into memorable parties.
Derick Santiago is a mixologist specializing in crafting non-alcoholic drinks with all of the complexity and sophistication found in alcohol cocktails. To start his book off right, he provides a detailed front matter introducing important terms and techniques before delving into real recipes organized according to their primary spirit: Gin-inspired Mocktails; Rum-Inspired Mocktails; Aperitif Mocktails before finally covering spirit-free Cocktails.